Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My happiest moments.
Well I wouldn't be blogging here tonight, if for one wasn't for my good friend Charissa, and second cause there's a horrendously long break in between the France match and the Argentina one.
Yes people, for those of you who don't know, I'm a real huge Argentina fan. And just for the record, my favourite soccer player of all time is Lionel Messi of course! And for those of you who don't watch soccer and have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, it's the 2010 Fifa World Cup, and I really hope Argentina wins.
I understand it's been a real long while since I last typed anything on this blog, but hey, what more could you expect from a guy who has tons of games to complete, the World Cup to watch, Sex and the City, and plenty of movies and catching up with good friends? Oh well, better start listing my list of happiest moments so that I can enjoy the Argentina match.
1. I would have to say my happiest moment in life, was when my mum bought me my guitar, yes she bought it for me without me knowing. And by ghad, it's my most expensive guitar, a price I for one will never forget. And for those of you who are wondering how does my guitar looks like, I have taken the courtesy to upload a picture of it:)

2.I guess my second best moment is when I have met the entire band Mr. Big, they are one of my favourite bands of all time, and they are famously known by the hit song To Be With You, and yes it's a damn nice band, you all should spare the time and listen to that song haha.
3.Alright number 3, I guess it would have to be when my appeal to transfer course from Electrical Engineering to Business Studies got through, I mean new start, new beginning, and new friends right? I always love new stuff haha.
4. I guess number 4 would be the first day I got into TB25, who in the world would have known I'd make so many good friends including twin and Charissa? And since none of my current classmates know about my blog, I'm gonna say this, obviously it's THE TB25 that doesn't consist of childish brats! haha.
5. I guess it's got to be the first moment I got to know my buddy, Jhovanie, great guy nonetheless, kinda short, but cute. And the best thing is.... He's up for grabs, any ladies reading this, you know who to call;)
6. I guess it was my right decision once again to decide to appeal to enter New Town secondary school, it enabled me to know so many people, and not only that, allow me to make many many good friends.
7. It's when I got my PS3 woooo! I had bought it just for the Final Fantasy 13, and till now, I absolutely do not regret buying it.
8. It has got to be the days spent with another of my good buddy, Marcus, yes Marcus although you do seem arrogant at times, I still love you as a friend, not gay haha.
9. It seems as though I Pick all the simplest moments of my life to be my happiest moments, but wtheck, number 9's the first day of my school life in Business Studies, it's when i coincidentally met Marcus on the way to class, and he decided to skip class just to accompany me to my class. What a buddy huh.
10. Best for the last, it has got to be when I was invited to Styleogy, yes although I must admit, it didn't turn out as I expected it to be, and it sorta disappointed me a little when I saw Sze Li's true colours, but then again, it is one of my happiest moments, as it helped me grew closer to Charissa, twin, Erica and in the process got to know many cool people as well.
Well that's about it, that sorta sums up my top 10 happiest moments of my life, goodnight!
Argentina, HERE I COME!!!!
12:39 AM